We currently offer six different adult Sunday School classes located in both building with varied teaching styles and materials.

Happy Campers

This class typically uses the scriptures the pastor will be using for his sermon for teaching.  Each week an email advance notice of the scripture text is sent to class members so they can read and meditate on the Word for several days and discuss it in class, with most attendees participating.  The teacher's goal is less about conveying information and more about being a catalyst for spiritual formation. We pray for healings and other needs as occasions arise. The class is currently "self teaching." ( Located in Outreach Building, hallway room #1)

Seekers Class

 Present studies are related to the history and the development of the Bible and the relationship of the Apocrypha to the scriptures. (Located on the first floor. Enter through the library from the lobby and follow the aroma of brewing coffee.)

Deborah's Girls

Come and learn with us in Deborah’s Girls Sunday School Class! In the book of Judges, Deborah found encouragement and strength in worship, and she aspired to be obedient to everything the Lord asked her to do. She was quite courageous!! We are a group of mostly females, not exclusively, who also aspire to be obedient to the Lord. We generally have Bible study in line with the Christian year. Our study topics grow from the scriptures and are enhanced with books or videos. Our goals are to listen to God’s word and to trust in Him. All ages and levels of spiritual development are welcome! (Located in Outreach Building hallway Room 2)

Wandering Guys

Following social isolations throughout much of 2019-2021, men, women, and children learned difficult lessons about how much we need each other. This group of men is one example of many which flows out of those unwelcome social experiments. Our group formed rather organically in 2022, in response to several conversations among two or three men at a time. We soon realized we were shared similar voids in life – connection with other men. It’s hard being alone on an island, and we are witnesses. If you feel like you’re on an island alone, we know that feeling, and we invite you to leave that feeling behind as we have begun to do. This is a class for men honest enough to confess we need the support of other men. In our early weeks of gathering, someone described us as “Wandering Guys.” We had no home, no connection, and no agenda. If we bear a name, “Wandering Guys” suits us as well as any name, for we have wandered. We have been lost, but we are learning that we find God as we find each other. Thanks be to God. 

Designed for: Younger & Middle Aged “wandering” men

Location: 1st UMC historic building, top floor (Take stairs all the way up; 1 floor above sanctuary floor)

Decorations: None; except those left from when youth occupied same space

Atmosphere: Relatable, minimal preparation, conversational, prayerful 


Sisters Abiding in Light & Truth: Sunday school class appealing to single and married 30+ year old ladies focused on discussion of the Bible, bathing each other in prayer & wrapping each other in love. Curriculum may include videos, book studies, or conversation covering current events as related to faith. Participants discover life is enriched when done together!  Located on the second floor of the Historic Building. From the north stairwell, second room on the right.

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